Monday, April 11, 2011

Muffin drinking

This morning I'm working from home because our littlest one is sick.  At this very moment he's laying on his little bouncy seat watching Elmo.  He even has his little hands behind his head!  It's all very cute.

It got me to thinking when the last time I just stopped.  It's been awhile.

Yesterday Kendall, our Senior Pastor, talked on living a life of gratitude.  Luke 17 tells us that ten men with leprosy called out to a traveling Jesus for healing.  When he told them what to do to be healed, they did it.  But only one man came back to give praise.  It's an all too familiar story.  Not the healing, but the gratitude.

Just look around you right now.  What do you have that you just forget to see?  Your house?  Your car?  How about your job?  Your kids?  Your school?  When was the last time you were thankful for your shoes or socks or underwear?  Many go with out these things.

That's the problem with our blessings, after a while they can become common place.  We would do well to remember that whether it's manna from heaven or the belt you use to hold your jeans up; all that we have comes from Him.

So today, my plan is to work from home.  But it's also to stop and just be thankful.  How can I not when my son is sitting next to me trying to drink his muffins!


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